Olive Leaf

Olive Leaf

Aid Overall Health

The oil from the olive leaf has been used as a dietary supplement in society since Hippocrates first started to notice the medicinal properties of the tree. Since then, the leaf has been used to treat a variety of ailments – from stomach ulcers to fatigue. While many of the purported uses of the olive leaf have not been substantiated by science yet, there have been quite a few documented benefits as well. 

The actual leaf extract comes from the olive tree. Naturally, it can be found in a Mediterranean habitat. However, the tree has become very popular over the years because it keeps its leaves all year long and is now also found in many front yards throughout the United States.

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Olive Leaf Dosage The typical dose of olive leaf extract varies depending on the method of delivery. As of the moment it can only be found in a tablet, a powder form and as a tea – the tea is literally just the leaves of the olive tree. You can choose to flavor it as you wish without detra... more

Olive Leaf Dosage

The typical dose of olive leaf extract varies depending on the method of delivery. As of the moment it can only be found in a tablet, a powder form and as a tea – the tea is literally just the leaves of the olive tree. You can choose to flavor it as you wish without detracting from your results. The type of water you use and the temperature of it will largely determine the flavor of the brew.

In both the tablet and powder form the olive leaf extract is typically found in 500mg doses. You can safely take between 4000-6000mg per day. Most sources highly recommend spacing out the doses throughout the day because the body will absorb more of it – if you take one large dose per day you will not receive nearly as much of the supplement than if you took 500mg with each meal.

The quality of the source that you receive your olive leaf extract from will largely influence your results with the supplement. For instance, some manufacturers use a much higher grade of the extract and only formulate their product with the highest amounts of the active ingredient in the olive leaf – oleuropein. Unfortunately, many use less of the active ingredient because it is more expensive to extract and obtain.

Olive Leaf Benefits

The olive leaf has been used successfully for many years to strengthen the immune system. It is prescribed to both adults and children, as well as pets. Many people choose to take it simply as a preventive measure to ward of simple illnesses.

The olive leaf has also been shown to lower high levels of cholesterol fight certain heart diseases – however, these findings have only been proven through animal studies. You should never discontinue the use of any medications prescribed to you by your doctor for serious blood pressure, cholesterol or heart conditions without consulting with your physician prior to doing so.

Aside from being routinely used as a dietary supplement to kill pathogens and bacteria, the olive leaf has also been shown to significantly reduce the effects of a fever. Generally, this medicinal use in combined with other medicines.

Olive Leaf Side Effects

The olive leaf has been used in traditional folk medicine for many years now with very few reported side effects. However, now that it has gained more popularity and has been studied further, there have been several side effects found – the most severe of them is caused by the detox of toxins from the body.

Some people with experience an onset of extreme tiredness, achiness, skin rashes and breakouts, headache and mild to severe gastrointestinal distress. The extent of these side effects depends largely on the size of the dose of the olive leaf supplement, and how quickly it is administered. Some people also report a mild case of insomnia when supplementing their diet with the olive leaf extract.

It is highly recommended that you drink copious amounts of water in between doses of olive leaf extract, especially when you are taking it at higher doses. If you experience any severe reactions or prolonged adverse side effects you should immediately discontinue the use of the supplement. If you would like to continue using it you should at least halt the use of the extract until you have consulted further with your physician.

Olive Leaf Considerations

It is incredibly easy to brew a tea from the olive leaf. For this reason, many proponents of herbal remedies recommend a daily dose of several cups just to ward of potential disease and less severe body ailments. However, the taste may not appeal to all people who wish to supplement their diet with the olive leaf – in this case a pill form may be the preferred method of delivery!

You should never begin supplementing your diet with anything before you talk with your doctor first – even if it comes from a naturally occurring source. Aside from severe allergic reactions, some natural supplements can negatively interact with both prescription and over-the-counter medications – even other dietary supplements. Compare other nutrition options with the free supplement finder now!


  • Side Effects
  • Other Names
  • Uses
Skin Rash
Gastric Upset
Extreme Tiredness
Skin Breakouts
Common Olive, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Green Olive, Jaitun, Manzanilla Olive Fruit, Olive Leaf, Monounsaturated Fatty Acid, n-9 Fatty Acid, Oleae europaea, Oleae Folium, Olivae Oleum, Olive Fruit, Olive Fruit Pulp, Olive Oil, Olive Pulp, Olives, Olivo, Omega-9 Fatty Acids, Salad Oil, Sweet Oil, Unsaturated Fatty Acid, Virgin Olive Oil
Fever Reducer
Heart Health
Kill Pathogens
Kills Bacteria
Lowering Cholesterol
Stomach Ulcers